UPVC Door Repairs in London
When your UPVC door frame has been damaged. Then there are several different routes to go down in terms of repair. After a forced break in there are four main areas that are UPVC door is comprised of that may be damaged. Identifying the main area of damage is what you must now do to determine your main course of action.
The main parts of damage -
1 The glass on the door
2 The locking mechanism or Locks and Handles
3 The hinges
4 The actual white UPVC on the door or the frame.
If it is only the glass on the door that has been smashed to gain entry then you should contact a Glazier who can replace the glass for you. If the locking mechanism, the locks, the handle or the hinges have been damaged then these can be repaired by a locksmith that specialises in UPVC door repairs. If however the UPVC itself on the door or the door frame is broken or damaged then the door will have to be replaced by a double glazing company.
Another thing to realise about replacing a double glazing door is that it is very difficult to get one made to size. In most cases UPVC doors are manufactured with the actual door frame as well. So in order to replace your door you will have to have the whole door frame replaced as well.
Usually the first port of call after a break in should be either a boarding up specialist or a locksmith that specialises in UPVC repairs. Both of these types of tradesmen (If they are any good) should be able to advise you what needs to be done.
Our engineers have years of experience in dealing with such cases. If you find yourself in such a situation please call us and we will be happy to advise you over the phone if necessary.